Get my

College Rodeo Recruiting™ Program today!

learn how I graduated with 11 full-rides and over $1.4 million dollars in scholarships

*currently on sale!

Perfect if you're a brand new recruit, getting closer to signing or trying to transfer!

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I'm going to let you in on my signature CRR™ method to show you exactly how to get recruited

That includes 53 lessons, 77+ resources & 49+ hours of pre-recorded content

You get access to 24/7 support to answer any q's you might have!

I also give you access to 29+ EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS with coaches & athletes just for you (I've never released them to the public)

Every month I record a BRAND NEW training to ensure recruits are staying on track and up-to-date

Recruits get access to my College Rodeo Recruiting™ app which includes the program, the interviews AND access to the CRR™ community

In the CRR™ Community I will highlight both coaches & recruits and both coaches & recruits can direct message each other as well

Regular Price: $997

Today's Price: $297

*due to the nature of this product, we do not offer refunds

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Let's talk about the CRR™ app!

Everything College Rodeo Recruiting™ in one place.

? the CRR™ Program

? the CRR™ Exclusive Interviews

? the CRR™ Community

Now you'll know exactly what to do and have a platform to put it to work.

Here's what the inside of the app looks like. ??

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The best part? You get access

until the August after you graduate!

Making it perfect for recruits from 6th grade to their senior year. And yes, if you're a senior, you need this more than ever.

Let's get you recruited.


Did you really get millions of dollars in scholarships?

YES but it was so hard. That's why I created a program like this. I picked the wrong college and ended up spending over $97,000 to transfer (I don't want that to happen to you).

I'm only a freshman, is it too early to start?

Absolutely not. Even if you're in junior high, it's still not too early. The more time you have, the better!

Does it work?

As of right now (it's continuing to grow) my recruits have earned over $60k in scholarships.

What if I haven't won alot?

There are so many coaches who look more at the kind of person you are and how hard you're willing to work. Let's find you the right program for you!

What if I have no idea how to start?

That's the beauty of this program. It will show you EXACTLY how to start and every step after that. I'll hold your hand to make sure you find the program of your dreams!

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